Idézzünk a Raising Hope-ból

Rendkívül gyenge volt a 2010/11-es országos évad újoncfelhozatala, de szerencsére azért akadt néhány kellemes meglepetés is. Ezeket kivétel nélkül a Fox-nak köszönhetjük, a drámák közül a bántóan rövidre sikerült Lone Star és a szintén elkaszált, de legalább normális lezárást kapó The Chicago Code-ot kell megemlíteni, míg a sitcomok terén a Raising Hope-ot lehet dicsérni. Greg Garcia (My Name is Earl) komédiájában egy diszfunkcionális családdal ismerkedhettünk meg, melynek életét alaposan felborította az új jövevény, Hope érkezése.

Remek helyzetkomikumok, ötletes párbeszédek és kiváló színészek tették élvezetessé a 22 részes első évadot. Utóbbi kapcsán a fiatal nagyszülőket alakító Garret Dillahunt, Martha Plimpton kettős teljesítményét külön ki kell emelnem. Az írókat dicséret illeti azért is, hogy a főhőseink mellett nagyszerűen kezelték a rövid, de emlékezetes jeleneteket kapó mellékszereplőket, a korábbi eseményekre visszautaló flashback-ek pedig szinte kivétel nélkül jól működtek. Bízom benne, hogy a My Name is Earl-lel ellentétben Garcia-nak itt nem fog idő előtt kifogyni az ötlettára. 

Nézzük mely párbeszédek, illetve egysorosok voltak a legemlékezetesebbek az első évad során.

1x03 Dream Horders

Virginia: I'm freaking out a little bit here, Burt. I'm not doing well with this. Think of something. How are we gonna fix this? Think.
Burt: You know I can't think on demand like that.
Virginia: Think!
Burt: Stop saying think! Every time you say think all I can think is the word think-
Virginia: Alright, alright!
Burt: -And it fills up my whole brain. Think, think, think. It keeps changing colors and sizes, I can't get past it!

1x04 Say Cheese

Sabrina: Your house has a lot of cool stuff in it. Who plays the piano?
Jimmy: Pretty much anybody who is trying to get on somebody's nerves.

1x06 Family Secrets

Jimmy: When I was four did I really choke on a potato chip and when I coughed it up it had Jesus's face on it?
Burt: I thought it looked more like Kris Kristofferson, but yes - that one is true.

1x07 The Sniffles

Burt: Slow down there Jimmy. Do you even know what the hell you are doing?
Virginia: Of course he knows what he's doing Burt. It's a computer, not a condom.

1x09 Meet the Grandparents

Sabrina: Worst Thanksgiving ever. We had this cheese sauce that irritated my Dad's IBS - he spent the whole afternoon in the bathroom but forced us to include him via video chat.
Jimmy: Yeah, well my baby was stolen - twice.
Sabrina: I can't beat that - let's drink!

Jimmy: I am the guy who impregnated your daughter before she got electrocuted

1x10 Burt Rocks

Burt: Babies are cool... until you've done everything there's to do with them, then you get bored. That's why TV shows about babies never last more than a year.

1x14 What Up, Cuz?

Shelly: Hey Sarge. I lost another one. An 84 year old women on a moped. Hair color? Would you just let me know if you find an 84 year old woman on a moped.

1x15 Snip Snip

Burt: She is only allowed to vote if she's lucid.
Virginia: Maw Maw, we are currently at war with what country?
Maw Maw: Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jimmy: Is she right?
Burt: I think so, but I'm not sure.
Maw Maw: It's right, you morons. One more reason why you shouldn't have another baby. Look, we're five people living in a four person house. We need another baby like we need a gorilla throwing fireworks

Virginia: Hey, I'm filling out this form at the free clinic and I need to know your mother's maiden name.
Burt: Chance.
Virginia: No, her maiden name, like before she was married.
Burt: Chance!
Virginia: Really? Wow.
Burt: Third cousins, big drinkers, things happen.

1x16 Cultish Personality

Bruce: When you find him, beat him black and blue.
Policeman: I'd love to, but with the internet and phone cameras, the fun's over.

1x17 Mongooses

Barney: I'm off to my Zogland role-player's intergalactic war reenactment. If you ever want me to babysit on a Saturday, your daughter would make a great Molmee, the Child of Darkness.

1x19 Sleep Training

Frank: Apparently it's nearly impossible to start a fight club without talking about fight club.

1x22 Don't Vote for this Episode

Burt: What's that thing?
Rosa: That's my husband's alpaca. His name is Clyde. He won't spit at you unless you look him in the eye.
Burt: Sounds reasonable.

Rosa: It seems my mother thinks that your son is the Devil.
Virginia: Hah! I kinda doubt the devil would still be a virgin at eighteen.

Címkék: raising hope