Idézzünk Ari-tól
Gyorsan megy az idő, már az évad felén is túlvagyunk, és csak öt részünk maradt hátra a hatodik etap zárásáig. Ahogy már korábban is említettem, az Entourage semmit nem vesztett a frisseségéből, elégedettek lehetünk az eddigiekkel. Majd a végén összegezzük a történéseket, és értékelünk, ezúttal viszont jöjjön egy összeállítás, mely a hatodik évad legjobb Ari beszólásait tartalmazza. Szó se róla, a többieket sem kell félteni, de a legjobb szövegek tekintetében őt nehéz felülmúlni.
A 6x03-as és a 6x07-es idézetek egy kicsit eltérnek a megszokottól - előbbiben nem a humor dominál, de egy őszinte, remek monológot kapunk, míg a legutóbb rész esetében Ari kevés játékideje miatt nem tőle idéztem. Kiválasztásuknál az Ari Gold Quotes volt segítségemre, érdemes csekkolni, korábbi évadokra visszamenőleg is bőven van anyaguk.
6x01 - Drive
Employee: Morning Ari, how are you?
Ari: Well, my girl won her debate on Friday, my boy scored a goal on soccer on Saturday and my wife agreed to visit her mother without me. I don’t know how things could get much better!
Lloyd: You’re drinking in the middle of the day?
Ari: Yeah well, they do it on Mad Men all the time and they’re pretty succesful!
6x02 - Amongs Friends
Ari (leaving dinner): You need some cash?
Mrs Ari: I am not a hooker.
Ari: Oh, but what a good one you would be!
6x03 - One Car
Ari (to Turtle): Look. When my son was born, my greatest fear was having this conversation. I knew that I would give him anything he wanted because he was my son. And I couldn’t say no, which sucks because it wouldn’t help him and he’d just end up on the street doing heroine with the two corys because I was to much of a pussy to teach him a lesson. I won’t make that mistake with you.
6x04 - Running on E
(Vince’s new movie is pushed 12 weeks)
E: What are we supposed to do for 12 weeks?
Ari: Enjoy life, what else. And snap some below the belt photos of that partner of yours and send them over here. I am bored…
E: You wish! Later.
Ari: Later.
Mrs. Ari (still half asleep): You’re bored?
Ari: It was a joke baby, you know I’m never bored here. Now give me something.
Mrs. Ari: What time is it?
Ari: I don’t know. My cock doesn’t wear a watch…
Ari (to Andrew): You put me in a really bad spot. I lied to my wife. 15 years I’ve been faithful. I don’t want the stress of an affair without the fun of the pussy.
Ari (entering a meeting): David Schwimmer, my favorite friend.
6x05 - Fore
Sloan: I have your pairings here, I hope you’re not bummed. It was difficult. I placed Vincent and Johnny together.
Drama: Why wouldn’t you!?
Sloan: With Tom Brady and Mark Wahlberg…
Ari: Jee, who’s the ugliest person on that foursome? Think fast.
6x06 - Murphy's Lie
Ari: Andrew! There was a time when Marlo made you smile. Remember that time, remind her of it. And if that doesn’t work, do what every other married man does: think of someone else, when you fuck her.
Ari (to Lizzy): You so much as eyefuck an agent in this building, and I will deport you naked to the Taliban.
Ari (to Andrew): One in very few guys get that ‘have a free piece of pussy pass’. You my friend, have it.
6x07 - No More Drama
Murray Berenson: Maybe tomorrow you could go get Christian Bale?
And we could let him execute a cinematographer if he wants