Idézzünk a Party Down-ból
A Rob Thomas-tól megszokott intelligens, pop kulturális utalásokkal fűszerezett párbeszédek jellemezték a Party Down első évadát. Ugyan csak tíz rész, de így is nehéz volt a válogatás, mindenesetre remélem, hogy az általam összeállított idézetek segítenek felidézni az évad néhány emlékezetes pillanatát.
1x02 - California College Conservative Union Caucus
Greg: You okay? Anything broken?
Henry: Ah, just my career and my life. So I abuse pain-killers and drink too much.
Greg: One last thing -- nobody ever accomplished anything by quitting. What if Ronald Reagan quit?
Casey: Quit acting, he did.
Henry: Yeah, that's actually where I got the idea.
Constance: The black guy's vote doesn't count?! And that's okay with all of you?
Dennis: No, miss, you don't...
Constance: What I don't have the right to speak? Because I'm a woman?! Is that what you're trying to tell me?!
Jeffrey: Hey, Todd is from Toronto. Non-citizens can't vote. It's in the by-laws.
Constance: And since when is Toronto not a part of the United States of America?!
You were burning an American flag.
Ron: For Arnold Schwarzenegger.
1x03 - Pepper McMasters Singles Seminar
Casey: I bet you don't know what the biggest sexual organ is.
Henry: Well, that would be my throbbing...
Casey: Brain. It's your brain.
Henry: Exactly. My throbbing five-inch brain.
Bruce: Henry, what is the craziest place you've ever made love?
Henry: A bed.
1x04 - Investors Dinner
Ron: (pointing at the Powerpoint presentation of their host) Hey Roman, google me in ten years, that's going to be me.
Roman: The only way I'm googling you in ten years is if you get very creative in the way that you kill yourself.
1x06 - Taylor Stiltskin Sweet Sixteen
Leonard Stiltskin: (talking on the phone) Fuck his face off, and when he picks it up off the floor, fuck him in the ass!
Roman: FYI, I won't pay to see Edgar Allen Poe fight vampires sober.
Leonard Stiltskin: Nobody gives a shit what you think, dink.
Roman: People care what I think. I have a prestigious blog, Sir.
1x07 - Brandix Corporate Retreat
Kyle: If you've seen the movie 300 more than once you're gay.
Kyle: (talking about Rick Fox) Dude that tall, I bet his dick's like two feet long. Probably like fucking a handsome giraffe. I mean, he could be in one room fucking her and in the other room reading a magazine. I bet when he gets a boner, it's it's like half a hula hoop.
Henry: When did you turn so negative against Rick Fox?
Roman: A, he was overrated on the Lakers, and B, he is all over Casey like a fucking sleaze.
1x08 - Celebrate Rick Sargulesh
Roman: You don't shit where you eat, buddy.
Henry: You're just pissed because I shat where I ate and now you wanna eat at that same restaurant where I was shitting.
- Is he in Napoleon Dynamite?
- Go ahead, do it!
Henry: You want me do it? Are we having fun yet?
Casey: That was on, like, years... Nobody saw that.
- I saw it on TV. So funny! Celebrity couple!
- You have Brad, Angelina, working at your party!
Constance: Zoltan said that the water drops glistening in the sunlight off my breast made him cry. Murderers don't have poetry like that in their souls.
Kyle: You know, acting is like crime. But instead of using guns or clubs, I assault you with emotions.
Joe: Or even knives.
Roman: Wrong fat guy with glasses!
1x09 - James Rolf High School Twentieth Reunion
Bobbie: Grab your destiny by the balls and squeeze hard. I'll bet you've never done that in your career.
Henry: No, I wouldn't even know where destiny's balls are.
Melinda: I mean, you might've told me you were married before I fucked you.
Mark: Would you have fucked me if I told you I was married first? Gotta split. Good seeing you, Melissa.
1x10 - Stennheiser-Pong Wedding Reception
Roman: This is unfair.
Uda: Take it up with the God that made you that way.
Uda: That's gonna be strike one. One more and I'm gonna report you to Alan Duk.
Roman: You know there are three strikes in baseball.
Uda: Well, this isn't fucking baseball, weasel face! It's catering!
Uda: I don't mean for a job, I mean socially.
I'm usually free on mondays, which I know is a bad night for the better restaurants, but it's shorter movie lines. I like art films, nothing too depressing, no holocaust shit.
.... I have a kid, but he's very quiet and no trouble. I look forward to hearing from you, Henry.