Idézzünk a The Good Guys-ból
A The Good Guys a nyár egyik kellemes meglepetésének bizonyult, Matt Nix-től, a Burn Notice alkotójától egy könnyed szórakozást biztosító, remek párbeszédekkel tarkított akciókomédiát kaptunk. Nagyszerű az összhang a fiatal, a szabályokhoz, legalábbis eleinte ragaszkodó fiatal zsaru és az egyedi módszereket bevető veterán között, amiért az írók mellett természetesen a Colin Hanks, Bradley Whitford kettősnek jár a dicséret. Utóbbit külön ki kell emelnem, szinte lubickol a magát még mindig a 80-as években érző, kissé önimádó Dan Stark szerepében.
Jenny Wade elsősorban az eyecandy szerepet tölti be, az első néhány rész során látott Julius-t viszont szívesen látnák többször, akár Ruiz játékidejének kárára is. Nix-ék a bűnözők bemutatására szintén odafigyeltek, esetükben végletekig eltúlzott és ezzel együtt rendkívül humoros figurákat láthattunk. Dicsérhetők még a formai megoldások, leginkább a ragyogóan használt flashback, valamint az ötletes feliratok. A The Good Guys az e heti részt követően rövid szünetre vonult, a Fox szeptember 24-én a hozza vissza. A nézettség sajnos gyengén alakult, meglátjuk péntekenként miként teljesít majd.
Rengeteg idézhető párbeszédet vonultat fel a sorozat, ezekből készítettem egy összeállítást.
1x01 - Pilot
Jack: I know that I have rubbed some people the wrong way.
Ruiz: You corrected the captain's grammar in front of the chief.
Jack: And I regret that.
Ruiz: Good.
Jack: It's just that there's no such thing as a Statue of Limitations.
Dan: You wake up one morning, there’s nothing but lasers and robots… and shaven where the hair used to grow free.
Dan (miután Julius megjavította a computert): Good work, Julius. Wow, it's like you're the computer-machine whisperer!
Jack: I was only gone for thirty minutes! How many windows did you open up?
Dan: I don't know what that means.
Jack: Ugh! Dan! It's infected with a virus!
Dan: Computers can't get sick.
Jack: Yes, they do, Dan! The computer's frozen.
Dan: Well, which is it? Is it sick or is it cold?
Dan: Hey, your father called, he wants his seed back.
1x03 - Broken Door Theory
Dan: Your ex-girlfriend is setting you up with her friend? I can see where this is going.
Jack: Oh, yeah? Where's that exactly?
Dan: Straight to the hot tub. You, Liz and her friend.
Jack: Yeah, I don't think that's ever going to happen.
Dan: Well, don't be so sure about that. I ever tell you about the time that me and Frank saved a bunch of NBA cheerleaders from a burning car?
Gemini: I got strip clubs! I got champagne rooms and free buffets. In an economy where clients are cutting back and they're sleeping with their wives again. Their wives!
Gemini: I told you. Cops.- How can you be so sure?Gemini: 'cause only cops and porn stars have moustaches like that.
- Oh. Here. Take a pen.Dan: I don't like writing.
Dan: Frank and I once busted a guy in a car like that. You do not want to know what we found under the seat.Jack: You're right.I don't want to know.Dan: There's some smellsyou can not un-smell.
Steve: I-I'm just worried that he's gonna look at me. And be able to tell that I'm wearing a wire.Dan: Come on, Steve, you think Bruce Wayne walks around worried that people are gonna know he's Batman?Hell, no!He walks around going, I'm Bruce Wayne, damn it!Deal with it!Steve: But Bruce Wayne was a comic-book character. I'm real.Dan: Are you, Steve?Are you?
Dan: Go fight crime, Batman.
1x05 - $3.52
Jack: Are you asking me to predict the behavior of a man who uses his service revolver to open a mayonnaise jar?
Dan: Am I under oath?
Liz: Yes, I'd appreciate it if you stopped asking that question.
Jack: Dan, what are you doing?
Dan: I'm trying to cut a hole with my knife so that the cellphone-wavey-thingys can run free, because of your fear of the ricochet.
Jack: You're trying to cut a hole in a bullet-proof steel wall with a pocket knife? Good luck with that.
Dan: I'll finish it later.
1x06 - Small Rooms
Dan: Women love a hero.
Jack: Says the guy who lives alone in a trailer next to an amusement park.
Dan: Two more things women love.
Keith Williams: It was an accident.Eric Williams: Was it an accident... When you told me that the guatemalans killed him?!And then you accidentally took over his business and drove his car and sold his baseball-card collection?I burned the guatemalan flag at his funeral, and you didn't even say anything!I've been smashing out windows at guatemalan restaurants for four years!Four years!
1x07 - Hunches & Heists
Dan: We're gonna be the Cops Who Cried Bank... it's a well-known children's story.
Jack: No, it isn't.
Dan: If I could make myself less attractive to hot, young women, don't you think I'd do it?
Dan: That guy's not a metal worker. He's a ninja. A ninja named Tommy.
Dan: You could definitely pull off a 'stache.Jack: I tried it once. I did. I thought it would, you know, make me look tougher.Problem is, it didn't grow in on the outsides, only in the middle, so I-it just ended up making me look like Hitler.Dan: Boy, did he kill that 'stache.
Jack: I wouldn't bang any of 'em, Dan.Dan: Why the hell not?Jack: They're cartoons.Dan: That's just prejudice. And racism.Jack: W... against cartoons?Dan: You have to pick. You can't know a man until you know his taste in cartoon ladies.
Sid: Do you mean to tell methat we kidnapped a copto hijack a heistthat don't even exist?
Jack: Why are you going into an ambush?Dan: Best way to beat an ambush is to ambush it.It's called a pre-ambush ambush.
Dan: I say we start off with a little back rub.Justine: You rub any part of me, and I will remove part of you.Dan: You trying to turn me on? 'Cause it's working.
Justine: What was the name of that movie, again?Dan: Savage and stark.Justine: Savage and stark.Dan: Yeah... available in vhs and beta.Justine: Stark?Dan: Hmm?Justine: I wouldn't have slept with you in your prime.
Dan: Are you hurt?Justine: No. Unh-unh.Dan: Your face, it's not all...Mangled or anything?I-is your chestal area intact?