Idézzünk a Misfits 2. évadából
A Misfits kétségkívül kiváló szezont futott, hiányérzetünk legfeljebb csak az angol szokásoknak megfelelő rövid évaddal kapcsolatban lehet. A karácsonyi epizóddal együtt hét részen keresztül követhettük figyelemmel a különleges képességek birtokába jutott, közösségi munkára ítélt fiatalok kalandjait. Howard Overman ezúttal is pörgős, humorral átitatott párbeszédeket, nem kevés abszurd helyzetet, valamint erős karakterdrámát mutatott be, mindezek mellett pedig a misztikus vonal is remekül működött. A Misfits második évadának legjobb szövegeiből készítettem egy összeállítást, melynek segítségével lehetőségünk van felidézni a sorozat néhány emlékezetes jelenetét.
Misfits 2x01:
Nathan: Can we please stop killing our probation workers?
Shaun: You're obviously lying...
But it’s five o’clock and I coudn’t give a shit.
Nathan: Oh, hey, man – Cornettos!
Nathan: So my mum opens the door and she's like, "Argh!" And I'm like, "I'm immortal!" And then she fainted. Face plants on the radiator. There's blood and teeth everywhere.
Kelly: Is she all right?
Nathan: Yeah, she is fine. She's fine. Apart from the whole face. Kinda put a downer on the whole thing.
Curtis: You didn't know it wasn't Alisha. You should stopped her.
Nathan: C'mon, man. Be serious. That requires an inhuman level of self-restraint that no man is capable of. The siren call of the blow-job renders all men powerless.
That's how girls trick you into marryiing them.
Misfits 2x02:
Nathan: I spent my eighth birthday eating Swedish meatballs with a known paedophile!
Mike: Like you never got anything wrong. We're not so different, you know?
Nathan: We're completely different. I'm gracefully tall, and you're freakishly short.
Mike: Where do you get this stuff?
Nathan: I don't know, it just comes to me. I have a gift.
Kelly: I thought she was with you?
Nathan: Who? No! No, that was just an elaborate plan to make you jealous. I can't even remember her name.
Kelly: You don't remember anyone's name.
Nathan: We need to send a message. Let him know he can't fuck with us.
Curtis: And how does taking a shit in his bed do that exactly?
Nathan: Well, they did it in The Godfather.
Simon: They put a horse's head in the bed.
Nathan: Well, have you got a horse's head?
Misfits 2x03:
Nathan: Do my feelings for him offend you? I'm sorry. Because they're true. And pure... Well, they're true.
Nathan: I never felt like this about anyone. He completes me.
Kelly: Er, that's from Jerry Maguire.
Nathan: Yeah, I know. I've watched it four times last night. It's like he's Tom and I'm Renee. Someone else is the ugly, speccy kid.
Nathan: I just realised I haven't died this week.
Simon: It's only Thursday. There's still time.
Misfits 2x04:
Alisha: He just got shot in the face and you're insulting him?
Nathan: He made an obscene gesture. I don't care if he's dead. There's no excuse for rudeness.
Nathan: I think I speak for all of us when I say we're lazy and incompetent. We're practically handicapped. OK, leave it to the police. They get paid to get shot.
Nathan: A bunch of young offenders develop superpowers, and not one of us thinks of using them to commit crimes? Shame on us.
Kelly: That’s what happens when blokes spend all their time playing computer games and wanking over porn on the internet.
Misfits 2x05:
Nathan: Why would anyone wanna kill me?
Curtis: I can think of a few reasons.
Alisha: Definitely.
Kelly: Shitloads.
Simon: You annoy people.
Nathan: It must be physically impossible. Cos if men could suck themselves off, then the female of the species would be surplus to requirements.
Kelly: This is why people kill you.
Nathan: Do the maths.
Simon: There is no maths.
Nathan: Right. She was here, plus no one else was around. Times, she caught me leering at her semi-naked. Divided by, all the weird shit that happens to us. Equals guilty.
Simon: Maybe this is what it feels like to be a superhero.
Nathan: I think it might take more than you getting laid to turn you into a superhero.
Nathan: Why does a gorilla wearing a gorilla costume?
Misfits 2x06:
Nathan: I tripled myself.
Kelly: I shagged a monkey.
Nathan: Technically, it was a gorilla.
Nathan: And that boys and girls is how you shoot yourself in the head. I wouldn’t recommend trying it at home.
Alisha: You said if you didn't come back and die, you wouldn't become the person needed to be.
Simon: It's like in Terminator, when John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time so that he can be his father.
Alisha: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Nathan: You know, apart from all the killing and the dying and stuff, this community service really wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.
Misfits 2x07:
Simon: You’re exploiting the vulnerable!
Kelly: Taking money off people.
Alisha: Sexually assaulting girls.
pap: Hey. That’s the Catholic Church for you.Nathan: He's got a point. When I was growing up in Ireland, if the priests weren't fiddling with you, you were one of the ugly kids.
Simon: I am going to kill Jesus.
Nathan: We may have done sod all with our powers, but we never abused them. We never raped or murdered anyone.
Curtis: She raped me, and we killed loads of people.
Nathan: Ok, but we are the good guys.
Nathan: You're giving birth to an alien.
Kelly: It's the afterbirth, you dickhead.