Idézzünk a Chuck-ból
Ugyan az évadból még hat rész hátra van, de az e heti Chuck vs. The Other Guy címre keresztelt epizód akár sorozatzárónak is elment volna. Ennek oka elsősorban abban keresendő, hogy tavaly májusban az NBC első körben 13 részt kért be és a plusz hat berendelésekor (októberben) Schwartz-ék már kész voltak az addigi forgatókönyvekkel. A happy end tehát ennek köszönhető, az évadzáróban azonban a készítők ígérete szerint cliffhangerre számíthatunk majd.
A kérdés csak az, hogy ezt vajon lesz-e lehetőségük feloldani, a nem túl acélos nézettségnek köszönhetően ugyanis kétséges a sorozat további sorsa. A jelenlegi 2.1-es demóról még javulnia kellene egy kicsit, legalább 2.3-2.5 környékére és nyugodtabbak lehetnénk, de azt se felejtsük el, hogy a (kényszerűségből) midseason-ben startolt Parenthood korrekt teljesítménye és várható berendelése miatt még nehezebb helyzetbe került a Chuck.
Mindenesetre a mostani epizód befejezésével lezárult egy korszak, én pedig összeszedtem a harmadik évad eddigi epizódjainak legemlékezetesebb párbeszédeit, illetve monológjait. Az idézetek előtt azonban még két interjúra hívnám fel a figyelmet, a Chicago Tribune munkatársa, Maureen Ryan először a társ-showunner Chris Fedak-kal (a második rész már spoilereket is tartalmaz), majd a Sarah-t alakító Yvonne Strahovski-val beszélgetett el, többek között az évad történetszálairól, karakterekről és a rajongók elhivatottságáról.
3x01 Chuck vs. the Pink Slip:
Chuck: If I help you guys then maybe Beckman puts the old team back together.
Casey: And all my dreams come true.
3x02 Chuck vs. the Three Words:
Morgan: Carina is not just some girl. She's basically a Swedish supermodel. The country's greatest export since Björn Borg.
Jeff: People mistake him for me all the time.
3x03 Chuck vs. the Angel de la Muerte
Casey: His blood is type AB negative. What? You learn a lot about a guy when you're trying to kill him. His favorite movie is Terms of Endearment. He always showers after love making.
Sarah: What do friends normally do?
Chuck: Well, let's see, it's Friday night. Normally Morgan and I would gorge ourselves on processed foods and play video games all night.
Sarah: Well maybe we're not quite there yet.
Awesome: You and what army?
Chuck: Uh, that would be Sarah and her fists.
3x04 Chuck vs. the Operation Awesome
Awesome: I’m running, and I heard something in a tree. It was a… it’s a cat. A hurt cat. I had to see if it needed medical attention. Then I realized… It's a bear.
Ellie: What’s a bear? The cat’s a bear?
Awesome: Yeah, yeah, the cat’s a bear. It’s a bear and it jumps out at me, and it attacks, and it’s like, it’s angry at me for some reason, this bear, roarrr!
Ellie: Oh my God! You were attacked by a bear??
Awesome: Yeah and I… I… cut off its head! Yeah, babe. I decapitated the bear. In self-defense, in order to survive. I’m just glad you weren’t there to see it. It was really grisly.
Ellie: Do you honestly expect me to believe this?
Jeff: The first rule of fight club is…
Awesome: She knows everything about me.
Sarah: Except which member of the family is a spy.
Casey: That's an understandable mistake. One of them looks like a spy and the other one looks like Chuck.
Awesome: You're incredible, is that your spy training?
Chuck: Duck Hunt, Nintendo.
3x05 Chuck vs. the First Class
Chuck: Unforunately, I did not get to use my nunchakus.
3x06 Chuck vs. the Nacho Sampler
Casey: Credit card charges show mostly video games, comic books. Phone records indicate only one female caller in the last six months: his sister.
Chuck: I feel so sorry for this guy, he seems so alone.
Casey: Oh, whoops. That's your old file, Bartowski.
What's in dubai?
Casey: Weap-Con, the greatest weapons convention. I go every year. I find it very relaxing.
It looks like this year, I'll be able to write it off as a business trip.
3x07 Chuck vs. the Mask
Chuck: Him? Ridiculously good looking? If you like that strong, Supermany kind of guy.
3x08 Chuck vs. the Fake Name
Chuck: Are these things sterile? I take pride in my work. I want to kill him, not some secondary infection.
Casey: Five people in the world can make this shot? Guess I'm one of them.
3x09 Chuck vs. the Beard
Chuck: I'm not a machine! Okay I am a machine, but I'm also a person.
Chuck: You're only as food as your last flash, huh?
Awesome: What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here! I just reclaimed my awesomeness.
Lester: How do we know we can trust you, son that you're not some kind of spy for the man?
Casey: Because the only thing I hate more than hippie and neo-liberal fascists and anarchists are the hypocrite fat cat suits they eventually grow up to become.
Lester: Yeah, that works for me.
3x10 Chuck vs. the Tic Tac
Beckman: When three of my agents are arrested for treason in twenty four hours it reflects poorly on me.
3x11 Chuck vs. the Final Exam
Jeff [about Casey]: He's a monster.
Lester: Like Jeff, only undulled by drink or drug and he's more dangerous for it.
3x12 Chuck vs. the American Hero
Jeff: Do they have any idea how much stalking experience I have?
Lester: If only they did Jeffery. You're very prolific. You're the Picasso of creepiness.
Jeff: It's true and this is my Blue Period.
Sarah: Thank you, Casey. I haven't used Morse Code since basic training.
Casey: I use it all the time to talk to my marine buddies.
Awesome: Morgan, why don't you let me handle it. No offense, I've had my fair share of ladies.
Morgan: It's cause you live in a bubble. Take a look at your self. Go ahead. It's a freakish bubble of handsomeness. Now look at me, no bubble. I have to be completely verbal.
3x13 Chuck vs. the Other Guy
Beckman: Do you want to see the bill on your tactical mission. It's longer than my copy of Atlas Shrugged.
Cancel air support…and the tank, cancel the tank.
Sarah: Thank you for saving me. I appreciated the tank.
Sarah: Chuck, I fell in love with you after you fixed my phone and before you started defusing bombs with computer viruses.