Archer: idézzünk a második évadból
Kiváló évadot futott Matt Thompson és Adam Reed (Frisky Dingo) animációs sorozata, a világ legegoistább ügynökét felvonultató széria még a tavalyinál is jobban megdolgoztatta a rekeszizmainkat. Az írók ragaszkodtak a már bevált alapanyagokhoz, amit aztán remekül kevertek össze: pörgős, nagyszerű párbeszédek, politikai inkorrektség, a 60-as évek és a jelenkor vegyítése és természetesen az infantilis karakterek. Utóbbi kapcsán Archer mellett elsősorban a Pam és Cheryl kettőst, a mindig cinikus Malory-t, az ezúttal nagyobb szerepet kapó Ray-t, valamint őrült tudósunkat Krieger-t kell kiemelnünk.
Hozzá kell tennem, hogy nem csupán a poénok miatt sikerült ilyen erősre a mostani szezon, a karaktereket kivétel nélkül új oldalukról ismerhettük meg, az emlékezetes mellékszereplők, valamint az átívelő szálak, így Archer betegsége, vagy az oroszországi látogatás és annak következményei pedig szintén új színt vittek a történetbe. Az FX tehát teljes mértékben elégedett lehetett a minőséggel és mindemellett a nézettség is kedvezően alakult, a harmadik évados berendelés papírformának volt mondható. A következő etap 16 részes lesz, három epizódot ősztől az It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia mögötti slotba rakott be a csatorna, a többi pedig majd 2012 elejétől lesz látható.
Nézzük mely párbeszédek, illetve egysorosok voltak a legemlékezetesebbek a második évad során:

Archer: I can't be alone. That's when she strikes like a slutty little Ninja.
Anka: My hands are really burning.
Archer: Woh. That's first degree frost bite. Too bad you don't have big mitteny gloves like me. I can't feel a thing in them.
Anka: Are you going to throw that in my face the rest of my life?
Archer: Yeah, all four minutes of it.
Cheryl: You can't control a person's heart.
Krieger: You can with a little something I like to call a deep cycle marine battery... or LSD.
Malory: Why are you drinking?
Archer: It's a party.
Malory: It's a baby shower! For the bastard child you pumped into a filthy whore!
Archer: I'm obviously not saying now, but one of these days you're make the best grandmother ever.
Lana: Did you see me holding that baby?
Gillette: Look liked Tyson holding that dove.
2x04 Pipeline Fever

Lana: What are your three biggest fears?
Archer: Getting stuck on a boat with you three times.
Archer: I've waited my entire life to say this phrase -- I'm commandeering this airboat!
Archer: Burt Reynolds is my spirit guide.
Pam: Can you explain compounding interest to Cheryl?
Cyril: Maybe if we had an infinite amount of time and she was someone else.
Archer: Did you see that? That was like like Steve McQueen and John Woo had a baby and that baby was you, baby.

Archer: Pam, wait up! Get me drunk enough and i might have sex with you
Pam: Really?
Archer: No. It's a catch-22. The amount of alcohol I would need would literally kill me.
Archer: Shoot him Cyril! But just him. I think the twins are warming up to me. Right? Am I getting some signals?
Cyril: Maybe I could kill that pesky old worm?
Pam: How you gonna do that? Disappoint it to death?
Archer: Does no one here read X-Men?
Archer: I would have qualified... if I made it to the thing.
Lana: If your aunt has balls, she'd be your uncle.
Cheryl: Do anything fun this weekend? Because I sure did. Friday night was cornhole league and then on Saturday...
Malory: If I cared what you do on the weekend I'd stick a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger with my toes.
Archer: Yeah, did I mention I have cancer?
Cyril: Kriegers father's was a Nazi scientist.
Malory: And JFK's father was a bootlegger.
Cyril: What!? That's like comparing apples to Nazi oranges.
Lana: Wait, you're just gonna leave him with a grenade stuck up his ass?
Archer: Yes, Lana, I'm on a rampage.
Gillette: My mother told me she loved me all the time.
Malory: Exactly, look how you turned out.
Archer: What have I been doing?
Lana: Chain smoking joints the size of tampons.
Archer: Eww.
Lana: Just a figure of speech.
Archer: Still, eww.
2x10 El Secuestro
Lana: Well, we obviously don't want you to...
Archer: Violate the First Law of Robotics.
Cyril: I was jacking it on the telephone.
Archer: Does Internet porn know you were cheating on it?
2x11 - Jeu Monegasque
Benoit: Now if you excuse me, I must go find fresh towels and a whore.
Archer: Hey, Benoit, not to thick on either.
Lana: You turned archer loose with four million dollars in a casino?
Malory: Oh, don't worry. He may be vain, selfish liar and quite possibly alcoholic man whore, but gambling is one vice Sterling doesn't have.
2x12 White Nights
Malory: Lana, you go straight to Moscow.
Lana: Undercover?
Malory: Of course undercover.
Lana: As what? Russia's only black woman?
Archer: How is this happy play time? Use your imagines, make a soccer ball out of a dead cat.
2x13 Double Trouble
Malory: What, in the name of pre-paid venereal disease, do you think you're doing?!
Lana: On your knees, hands behind your head, and toss out that weapon! But not in that order.
Archer: If I stop drinking all at once, I'm afraid the cumulative hangover will kill me.
Barry: One for three off the roof, bitch!